Taming the Mind and emotions

Meditation brings the deepest of deepest rest and will make you more awaken within. Meditation removes all unhealthy bonds from the core of the mind and brings harmony to the soul, body and mind.  Definitely, you will find yourself more dynamic in all activities that you have decided performing for a day. Devotion is just like a flower that is blooming inside and meditation without devotion cannot be possible. Let the beam of devotion be in its fullest form and allow you to flourish. Creativity springs up when you are relaxed and composed and you can easily gain a tranquil state of mind by meditation which in turn can improve the quality of your life.

Each thought you have, informs only your energy, then that energy manifests into your experiences and wisdom. Energy flows where thought and emotion flows, have you ever noticed that where interest is involved the mind can easily remember the minutest of details. The mind requires activity in order to maintain the flow of consciousness. Without Prana energy supply, the mind cannot perform its tasks that are entirely dependent on the five senses. These five senses are the five perceptions of the mind, in fact, and mind is the master of five senses. But when senses have control over the mind then problems arises, mind has to do whatever the senses demand. The subconscious is motivated by emotion and needs you to translate this emotion whether it is for better or worse. The only way to get about it you have done the job, is if you observe it within yourself by the tool of observation. Observed thoughts come under control by meditation easily and also bring all wandering sensations and afflictions under the control of the mind.  

Meditation may seem to be impossible at first time but over the course of time it becomes easier with practices of five to ten minutes every day. So, the first requisite is the determination to use the will. The darkest nights produces the brightest stars; in the same way when you are more depressed you will easily concentrate upon the thought that hurtled you the most and by just observing them using breathe observation below nostrils and above of lips will leap you in to a higher state of existence.  

The effect of rhythmically breathing can be felt within a few days that manifests in a refined voice, glow on the face, body becomes light and meditation seems to be easier which has not been felt before. When one breathes naturally, it will control the motion of the lungs which acts upon the nerve currents which flow within the entire body, so gradually all the major Nadis are becoming active and starting to break the suffering of being that has been buried in lower planes, since ages. Breathing is a process, a simple mechanical and physical function accomplished by the physical body which is generally ignored. But in Sawara Yoga the breath is a process which can be wrought and controlled for extra-sensory, the sublime of major seven chakras along with remaining small chakras, as well connecting with the invisible realms of nature.

Meditation provides more space to you by eliminating unnecessary sensations and afflictions and keeps your body synchronizing with the nature’s influences. Meditation in calm place surrounding by trees and nature will strengthen your mind. Meditation brings you closer to nature, your own nature as well as surrounding you. Nature has glorifying, purifying and elevating effects on a person leading to joy. Meditation keeps you with the nature and the mind in a state of bliss. If mind is happy then body will also feel this happiness. An elegant solution for keeping track of reality requires you to meditate regularly.


  1. Very nicely explained benefits of Meditation to keep mind and body healthy and peaceful

  2. Wonderful. And inspiring thought

  3. Very well explained blog. No one can deny the benefits of meditation. Yoga is a traditional exercise to have complete control on your mind and body and to create a relation between them. After assuming the benefits of yoga there are many sub-methods to manage mental health as well as physical health. Pilates and Physical Therapy NYC also work like yoga. There are many low impact and gentle exercises to create response between mind and body which helps to remain active and prevent pains and diseases.

  4. for focus in meditation yoga exrecises must, very informative note


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