Finding True Happiness through observation and master yourself

“Decay is inherent in all conditioned things, work out your own salvation, with diligence” – Buddha

By this Buddha meant that all conditioned things in this world are bound to change. Whether it is happiness or unhappiness that all are bound to decay sooner or later. Our happiness which depends on the conditioned deeds sure to be short lived. Needs are lucid that bound to change.  Every person has a different perspective towards the happiness in their life. Our mind is agitated and restless when engaged with sprouted temptation and becomes more active to pursue it and ignores the source present deep within. Happiness lies within us we just need to become aware of this happiness inside, allow our smiles to reflect the true emblem of the wealth that lies within us. Heightened awareness brings aspirant closer to reality. While, Restlessness brings one closer to a more restlessness state of existence. Sickness free body, trauma free memory, tremble free breath and inhibition free wisdom are all possible when mind is in the very present moment; which is intuitive and directs wisdom, confidence and the truth of our life. Inner peace comes with sitting in this reflection.

Self-blockage stops us from letting go and moving in the right direction. Temptation maybe initially alluring but gradually it will produce unfavourable circumstances and creates a flood of new temptations. When this happens then one will search for a new way to rid oneself of these issues. Primarily, it is essential to remove all complications, and make our hindrances our strengths to allow us to create long-lasting solutions to craft our dreams and desires.

Meditation leads one to live in the ecstasy realm, so to such a person, the infinite reveals itself. The aspirant endeavours to cultivate a decisive intensive feeling of intimacy towards the aura of divine virtues whose presence is felt and brings us closer to the supreme source divinity. Latent virtues and divine skills spring and eventually blossom into a mighty tree of embellishing powers. The basic and essential modes of experiments in spirituality are embracing of virtue from which transmute an ordinary moral power into an earnest human being.

The practice of Yoga definitely lessens the decay of tissues by increasing the prana-energy. During meditation the brain and spinal centre/energy centre is charged with more oxygen and prana-energy, memory is improved, wisdom is sharpened and intuition is developed. Heart-beat becomes normal and blood pressure is corrected. Meditation gets one connected with nature easily and oneself within few days. Meditation disciplines of the body and mind by correcting breathe firstly; sensuous pleasures temptations which always disturb the breathing pattern.  Breathing plays a vital role in prolonging life, and any activity of sports or games, study, concentration and meditation. Early morning when you get up and if you sit in comfortable posture and observe breath below nostrils and above lips you can sense your breath will be synchronize; daily practice of this meditation even for just ten minutes can make a huge impact to one’s mind set. Soon you will able to control your breath and meditation will become easy to do, you can further advanced this technique after this observation. If you are unable to sit for long periods or unable to sit on the floor then you can do it by lying on the bed which will help give relief from your illness? Follow the meditation with a few minutes of abdominal breathing will also benefit you.


  1. Awesome,very nicely explained importance of Breath practice in meditation which helps to connect to inner self to realize peace and harmony


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