Do Matsyasana and Will gain wonderful results

The body is designed to allow an incredible range of movements of the limbs and spine. Without proper exercise or physical work this leads to much underuse, causing the ligaments of the joints, spine, psoas muscles and others muscles to tighten. The vertebrae, the length of the spinal ligaments and the condition of the antagonistic muscles are the three factors which determine the limit of spinal movement. This the main factor which determines the flexibility of the spine and this varies within the body. The organs of reproduction, digestion, blood circulation, respiration and micturition are all controlled by spinal cord. Sushumna Nadi passes through the hollow cylindrical cavity of the vertebral column; and Ida is on the left side and PIngla on the right of the spine and these are subtle Nadis, and quite different from ordinary nerves, arteries and veins. Nadis plays an important role in yoga. Asanas, pranayama and mudra will purify Nadis; so that the prana energy flow increases and will pass through Sushumna Nadi, and this is possible when the Nadis are pure.

Matsyasana is well known as a fish posture and it will help one to float on water very easily by doing Plavini Pranayama. An aspirant must practise Matsyasana soon after Sarvangasana as it will get rid of stiffness of the spine, neck and all others contraction conditions. Matsyasana expands the ribcage fully; aids deep breathing and increases lung capacity.

 The spine

1. Cervical region (neck) 7 vertebrae.

 2. Dorsal region 12 vertebrae.

 3. Lumber region (waist) 5 vertebrae.

4. Sacral region (buttocks) 5 vertebrae.

5. Coccygeal region 4 vertebrae.
Matsyasana can be done by lying down on your back with your legs straight and feet together placing hands down underneath thigh and after arch you’re back of upper portion. Third kind of Matsyasana that aspirant can do is difficult by sitting in padmasana and pick the right toe with left hand behind your back and left toe with right hand then lie down back.

Matsyasana helps to open and relax the groin. Muscles around the groin area and upper thigh of the iliopsoas and the tendons become constricted and stiff over time as one gets old, resulting in restricted normal movement. Tightness in the groin area limits mobility when walking, standing and sitting. Besides Matsyasana other asana that also helps to relax the groin and iliopsoas are Gomukha asana, Kati chakra, Utkat asana, Hasta-pad-angushth asana, Uttan-pad asana, Janushir asana, Garud asana, Dhanur asana, Chakra asana, Baddha-padam asana and Matsyendr asana.

Steps to follow

Begin with padmasana by keeping the right foot over the left thigh and slowly left over the right thigh is known as padmasana.

Lie flat on your back supported by your both hands behind on the floor so that your back can be placed nicely on the floor.

Be aware that your spine and head is placed on the floor smoothly.

Stretch the head back so that your head rests on the floor firmly.

Try to stretch your head back and the buttocks on the other side.

Make an arch of the trunk.

Catch the toes with the hands but slowly.

Do Matsyasana for 20 seconds in the beginning and you can increase it to five minutes after practises of this asana?

When you finished Matsyasana, slowly release the head with the help of your hands and back to the padmasana.



Helps one to breathe deeply as the larynx and trachea are stretched to open widely which can helpful for people suffering with asthma. Matsyasana removes constipation as this asana brings down the accumulated faced matter to the rectum.


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