How to do Meditation; and which direction would be beneficial

All humans essentially desire happiness. The root of the true happiness is existent in a state of consciousness of one in which the secrets of happier, healthier and well-being have opened to those ones who perceive things easily after meditation. Yoga is not merely exercise, but a way towards overall harmony of body, mind and spirit. The union with the self is yoga that rejuvenates aspirant’s entire system. When you meditate you are bringing harmony within yourself. You are influencing the subtle layers of creation along with the subtle bodies of all the different levels of existence in creation. During meditation the body draws more prana energy from the universe. Breathe creates a flow of energy in the body. In the nostrils Ida (negative, cool), Pingla (positive, hot) and Sushumna (neutral) flow of energy is created, like the negative and positive currents in an electrical circuit. At this point Ida and Pingla cease altogether and the central point (Sushumna) blends b...