How Utkat Asana keeps Psoas Muscles be active and keeps the lower body and upper body in perfect synchronisation

Standing asanas, sitting asanas, forward bending asana and backward bending asanas are all an excellent way to get started in the morning. One can draw enough energy to fuel the day’s tasks and ensure that they are completed smoothly and without hindrances. Asanas, pranayama and meditation provide sufficient prana energy to the body, muscles, and cells as well as purifying the blood to meet their day’s requirements. Utkat Asana is excellent in this context and could do better as it keeps the body strong and flexible by enhancing the strength of the psoas muscles, which is the bridge between the lower body muscles and upper body muscles. Hence psoas muscles keeps the lower body and upper body in perfect synchronisation.

Psoas muscles are intimately related to the proper functioning of the lower back muscles and even the diaphragm that keeps on working properly if it is relax. Stomach, diaphragm, legs and vertebrae all entirely depend on the psoas muscles functioning and only warm psoas muscles are able to provide the good results and keep the body on the right track. Kidneys are very near to the psoas muscles can affect the psoas and its working.  Psoas provides the basic strength to the body as its broad surface offers support for all the organs in the lower abdomen. Major psoas muscles and minor connected to the spine in the lower thoracic vertebrae, lumber vertebrae; and iliopsoas runs down to the pelvis and thigh bones. Utkat Asana is very beneficial for spine, abdominal, shoulders and organs of the body; and getting them to work more efficiently by converting prana energy within.

Besides Utkat Asana there are lot of asanas that keep psoas muscles active, such as, Kon asana, garud asana, Uttana pad asana, pad hast asana, paschimottan asana, Sarvang asana, sarp asana, chakra asana, Hal asana and Matsyendr asana. Pranayama keeps flow of prana in the body by removing harmful elements from the body. When practising the Utkat asana, abdominal breathing brings good results. Normally, natural breathing is suggested to when performing Utkat asana, but when you have minor back pain in the lower area then by doing abdominal breathing the toxin in the body is removed and brings fresh prana energy in that area. All of the organs in the body are rejuvenated and become flexible and strengthened because warmed psoas muscles provide the way for organs to work properly and coordinate with other organs in the body.

Methodology :
Breathe naturally.

Begin in the standing position and keep feet parallel.

Keep both hands on the waist.

Bend the knees slowly till the thighs are parallel to the ground as though you about to be seated

Keeping the spine and the body erect.

Hold this position for one minute. (Increase the length of time as your body allows).

Breathe and relax for a minute (if you need longer, take longer listen to your body) and then repeat.

Do this for thrice.

Benefits: Utkat Asana keeps legs, knees and stomach be strong and flexible. The vertebral column becomes soft, elastic and strong and benefits the nerve centres in the spine.


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