How Matsyendr Asana keeps the spine elastic and massages the abdominal, diaphragm and neck

Ardha Matsyendr Asana provides perfect elasticity of the spine column and serves the purposes well in giving a lateral twist to the spinal column by twisting and side to side bending movements of the spine. Ardha Matsyendr Asanas variations are somewhat different to the other asanas of Yoga. There are plenty of forward bending and backward bending asanas in Yoga that rejuvenate the body; but with Ardha Matsyendr asana the body is moved side to side and covers the major organs of the body which recalibrates the stomach and entire spine. The body is filled with innumerable Nadis that cannot be counted and these Nadis are rather different from ordinary nerves, arties and veins and impossible to see with the naked eye. Interlacing of several nerves, arteries and veins at a centre is called Plexus. Ardha Matsyendr asana purified these plexus and helps to remove contaminant elements by making spine flexible and refresh with prana energy because all plexuses are linked with the spinal cord. Ardha Matsyendr asana keeps the spine elastic and massages the abdominal organs, diaphragm and neck. Kon asana is also provides the same results as of doing in standing position.

Forward bending asanas are pad Hast Asana, janushir Asana, paschimottan asana and akarana-dhanush asana comes; while backward bending asanas are dhanur asana, ushtra asana and chakra asana. Ardha Matsyendr Asana enhances the digestive system and rejuvenates entire spine column in perfect balance, and regular training of this asana is suggested in Yoga holistic science for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The vigorous opposite variation of the spine; a lateral twist to the spinal column of opposite direction stretches and stimulates the internal organs, muscles and entire spine and at the same time also recalibrating liver, gall bladder, kidneys, abdominal. This asana increases appetite by increasing the digestive fire. It can be balanced Samana-vayu in the navel area.

Steps to follow:

Sit on the ground and fold left leg and place the foot on right thigh.

Ensure that you place the left heel near the anus and below the scrotum and bring right foot close to the left knee smoothly.

Push the Knee a little to the back by doing this it will touch the back part of the axilla (armpit).

Hold right toe with left hand and taking the right arm behind the back.

Applying pressure at the right shoulder and slowly twist the spine to opposite side, means you have to turn your spine to the extreme left.

Ensure that the spine is erect.

Breathe naturally.

Ensure that heel is not moving from the space during exercises.

Do the same on the other side by placing right leg and be fold and place the foot on the left thigh.

Precaution: it not recommending to do this asana after meal or if you suffer from any problems of the stomach and the spine.

Benefits: Matsyendr Asana is an excellent exercise for chest, neck, stomach and body muscles; and this asana enhances elasticity of the body, builds stamina and keeps free from the disorder of the spine and stomach. Lumbago and muscular rheumatism of the back are cured; and draw a good supply of blood in spine and sympathetic system are toned also.


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