How after doing kon asana the body becomes lighter and other asanas seem easier to do

Kon asana is also known as the triangle posture that is done by half a spinal twist which gives an excellent lateral stretch to the spine, tones the vertebral nerves and helps the proper functioning of the digestive system. Kon asana is yet simple to perform and is not a strenuous exercise. Strenuous exercises make the muscles from the outside be strong while breathing becomes quick but shallow. This does not reach the innermost organs and results in weak inner muscles being developed. Yoga is holistic approach towards the individual and covers many benefits at any stage of life. Asanas can burn calories, enhances flexibility and reduces the osteoporosis of bones.

Kon asana is very beneficial for spine, abdominal and shoulders, but affects the kidneys the most getting them to work more efficiently by converting prana energy. While Kon asana stretches the waist completely, it works on insentient energy that cover the kidneys and its surrounding triggering active energy which manifest stamina, flow of prana energy and flexibly.  Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped glandular organ in the back part of the abdominal cavity which excrete urine and support the removal of waste from the blood. So our kidneys controls the water element in the body and help cool off the body. Excessive hot and excessive cold is not good for kidneys that disturbs their equilibrium. Extreme cold when radiates from the kidneys will weaken the middle and lower back muscles and results in back pain.
The fascia layer which covers the kidneys protects and works as a cushion for them. The fascia works just like the tyres of a vehicle which protect the tender tube. Without the tyre the tube cannot bear the burden of heavy loads of vehicle. The fascia works in the same manner and bears the full load of the body while the kidneys provide excellent health and well-being. In martial arts and yoga these organs be fully purified for ultimate goal by aspirant. Fascia becomes flexible and contains the life force or prana energy within and keeps kidneys healthy. Extreme cold or hot has bad effects upon fascia layers. Then comes the psoas muscles which is also effected when the kidneys are effected by the cold. Psoas is a long core muscle connecting the limber vertebrae to the femur. Psoas muscles cannot bear the coldness of the kidneys and result in the Psoas muscles being cooled or frozen causing it to become stiff and cuts off the flow of prana energy. The lack of sufficient heat that keeps warm psoas muscle will become disturbed.

Erratic life styles, fast foods, insufficient exercises and continuous work in one place are the basic components that interrupts the workings of the organs. Forwards bending and backwards bending asanas are essential for the body for well-being. Pranayama, asana and meditation recalibrates the body movements. After doing Kon asana the body becomes lighter and other asanas seem easier to do.

Steps to follow:

Stand with your feet well apart (3 to 5 feet apart) depending on the height of individual.

Ensure that both of your knees are straight.

Bend first to the right and aim for perfect balance in pose so that you easily will gain the control.

Breathe in, stretch your right arm out at shoulder level while bringing your left arm straight up as against left ear.

Breathe out, bend to the right and as slightly forward to bypass your ribs.

Put your right hand down your right leg.

Try to be reach at maximum as you can.

Now look out at left hand and breathe normally.

Repeat the same with the left side.

Health Benefits: triangle pose is beneficial to waist, knees, and legs. Tringle pose makes the spine flexible on both sides and gives strength to kidneys, stomach and lungs resulting in dormant muscles becoming active.


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