Double Up Your Strengh with four Asanas

To stay safe and get the most out of your workout you must comprise with warm-up exercises before doing any yoga asana for better results. Warm-up let you stretch further than you normally would. You could say that it is preparing you mentally and physically for doing yoga postures ahead. Doing asana are painful when muscles are constricted tend to work and impossible to perform the move.  This show that that energy which should be used in the move itself drenched up by fighting against the muscles themselves. 

The exercises should start off with jogging to warm up the whole body slowly; after that, do skipping, as you should be followed by over-all stretching and loosening of the body muscles may well provide a satisfactory warm-up. Proper warm-up may reduce the possibility of any injury and rarer chance left even in maximum efforts being done.

Pag Chalan Asana

Pag means the ‘legs’ and Chalan means to ‘move’; so, of moving  legs left to right and right to left while body become stay and being fixed on the floor is known as Peg Chalan.

Steps for follow
  • Lie on ground and of keeping arms and legs close to the body (the legs must not be keep apart to perform Pag Chalan).
  • Keep the body loose and put the right foot on left.
  • Swing the heel of the lower foot towards left and right briskly and easily without stretching any part of the body.
  • Do it for about three minutes after that change over the feet and do the same.
  • Take the foot off and relax.
Benefits: Peg Chalan cures disorders of feet, heel and muscles of the legs. It regulates the blood circulation in the legs properly, in that the people suffering from polio get relieve as it cures wind troubles too. Pag Chalan is beneficial for all, on being told that these seven asanas warm-up the body; moreover, beget strength, flexibility and stamina that makes exercise of the advanced asanas easier, and quite simple even for children and old ones. Pag Chalan cleans intestines, stomach’s organs along with digestion and appetite also.

Skandh Chalan Asana

Steps to follow:
  •  Sit in Sidha Asana or Padam Asana. Even you could sit in simple posture if you have inconvenience to sit in Sidha asana or Padam asana.
  • Rest your palm on the knees nicely, back and head should remain straight and make sure that your shoulder must be relaxed.
  • Move your shoulders in circular motion just like we do when rowing a boat or pedalling a cycle. 
  • Maintain a low speed for your movement, Breathe naturally and relaxed during the process.
  • Repeat the process for 3-5 minutes. Start all over three times at least.
  • Upon completion switch back to relax position.

Skandh Chalan is very simple to perform, and is beneficial for all age groups; also its super easy to perform and gives you maximum results with minimum of energy application that too within few minutes.

Benefits: It cures Back Pain, Tones Neck Muscles, Tones and strengths Shoulder Joints, Strengths Ribs and Lungs, Liver and spleen, cures Respiratory Troubles and Shoulders Pain and it’s also helpful in prevention of tuberculosis. It safeguards our body from Heart valves problems, Blockage of Arteries and Cholesterol Problems If it is being done regularly. Asthmatic and Heart patients should take extra care when performing this asana, the duration can be reduced according to one’s physical strength and can be increased gradually as body strengthens.

Skandh Chalan Asana also helps you in meditation as it activates Throat Chakra; when throat is imbalanced. People may suffer from Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hypertension, Respiratory problems, Tonsillitis and Influenza when Throat Chakra is imbalanced. It also regulates Hormone secretion in our body.

The hormones in right balance increase the metabolic rate, heat production in body and maintain basal metabolic rate. Skandh Chalan asana solves your health issues timely and of solving the onset of the disease. A sore throat might be described as examples of the onset of a cold, can be rectified and the sickness prevented. One just needs to drink more water and exercise Skandh Chalan asana to keep Throat Chakra active and Kicking.

Nabhi Chalan Asana

Nabhi means ‘navel’ and Chalan mean ‘moves’ and so moves the navel in this asana.

Steps to Follow

  Lie down straight on the ground and keeping arms near the body.

  • The Body must be in a straight line and feet must be together on the ground in relaxed Position.
  • Initiate the Asana Movement by slowly twist (Sideway Twists) your lower body (body below the navel) from left to right and from right to left slowly.
  • Make sure to keep your Arms, Head and Shoulders in relaxed and rest position while making movements.
  • While performing sidewise movements your legs tend to bend a little however this does not hamper the Asanas benefits but it is advisable to keep legs as straight as you could to churn out maximum benefits out of this asana.
  • Repeat the movements for at least three minutes then switch to Shava-Asana for two minutes.
  • Switch back to normal position Repeat procedure every day for benefits.

Benefits: It Cuts Excessive Fat of Abdomen Area and improves flexibility. It Improves digestion, Strengthens Backbone and Tones body contours. This asana increase appetite as it lightens the stomach and along with major organ of the stomach it cures wind disorders.

Reverse Nabhi Chalan

Reverse Nabhi Chalan Asana is a bit advanced version to Nabhi Chalan Asana and requires more attention for real benefits.

Steps to Follow

  • Lie on Stomach keeping the body straight and relaxed on the ground.
  • Be still and be free from all distraction of the worldly affairs because conscious employ for better results.
  • Stretch the arms ahead in line with shoulders and turn the body over to left and from right to left.
  • Relax for a while and you must do it for more than twenty times.
  • Lie on the back for relax in the Shava asana.

Benefits: Regular practice with consistency of Nabhi Chalan asana reduces the puffy belly in a few days. It whip you up with new energy as it benefits to all internal organs of stomach, legs, arms and shoulders along with spine. If you do it with your of keeping head up definitely good for neck and shoulders nerves. If you have wind troubles, be trust it is more helpful.

Precautions: Those, who are suffering from hernia, gall bladder-stone, tumours and heart problem should not do this Asana.

Shav Asana

This Asana is of Utmost Importance in Yoga and is best to Revitalize or Settle down the changes after doing the Asanas. It relieves the stress and whip up refreshment. It is suggested to do shav-asana every time after you complete the practices.

Procedure to follow

Lie on the ground. Be calm and be perspective and be conscious on your body and mind.

  • Relaxed and keeping eyes closed.
  • Keep your Palms open in upwards direction and spread the legs a little apart.
  • Lose your body and be still.
  • Feel the gravitation and let it be happen and ground yourself as of feeling that body is sinking in to the ground. You could feel the each and every organ of the body just of starting from toe to head.
  • Feel that all of the part of the body has no life.

  • Breathe through the nose nicely but be conscious.
  • Last step is that to completely forget the body and be conscious upon your breathe only.
  • Breathe naturally. Breathe should be ‘Deep and Slow’.
  • Do it for some minutes. Regain you conscious.


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