How to increase true intuition with the help of yoga

In previous articles, we have discussed Rubber Neti (catheter) and sutra Neti, jala-Neti (Vyut karma Neti), Gajkarni or Shitakarama- jalaneti, Siddha Jala-Neti Neti, how an aspirant can correctly follow the steps, and how one can gain maximum results of doing Neti as well as the spiritual benefits. Weak eye-sight, the common cold, blockage of the nose, tonsillitis, cough, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and tuberculosis can be prevented by doing Neti regularly. The onset of diseases, can be rectified, prevented with the help of Neti.  It is acknowledged that all of these problems begin from the nose.
In Gheranda Samhita (ancient yoga book) it is specified that Neti Kriya cleanses skull and produces clairvoyance. First of all we have a look in depth of how Neti produces clairvoyance and super natural power; hypnotism, telepathy, thought reading and distance healing. These are super natural powers that completely depends upon of one’s breathe. Breath creates a flow of energy in the body. In the nostrils Ida and Pingla and Sushumna flow of energy being created, like the negative and positive currents in an electrical circuit. In Sawara yoga the breath is a process which can be wrought and controlled for extra sensory, as well as the  of major seven chakras along with remaining small chakras, which are connected to the invisible realms of nature. Shat karma Kriya and pranayama bring a balance between the two life forces in the body that is known as the left nostril and the right nostril which is governed by Ida Nadi (left nostril) and Pingla Nadi (right nostril).
Breathing is not only about maintaining the physical body’s activities perfectly and the regulation of the flow of all the chakra’s inward and outward direction but also its impression is the cause for the evolution of consciousness, subconscious and super consciousness. Nadi do not flow at random, but in synchronization with the solar (right nostril) and lunar (left nostril) rhythms. Dr. Hayden’s theory clarify that the electrical currents flow through the wires of good conductors connected to the source of electricity; and likewise, the aura of the bio-electrical energy of the awaken brain induces certain kind of charge in the receptive brain of others who are in their contact, cause of microcosmic orbit or seven auric body’s prana-urja. 
Neurologists have proved the sequences of the brain hemisphere’s activity. One hemisphere remains active for 60-90 minutes (active nostril) that hemispheres mechanism breathing through the right and left nostrils. It establishes consistency in the breath manifesting introversion, concentration and transcendence. Breathing affects major pineal and pituitary glands. Synchronised breathing will enhance the strength of master glands that can be the source of intuition and clairvoyance. In physical context the master gland operates all other glands and keeps on balancing them and coordinating them. When the mind is employed for spiritual journey it works with all chakras energies that draw prana urja from bottom chakras to crown chakra. Crown chakra is the core of true wisdom, intuition and transcendence. The meditation upon crown is beneficial for aspirant because prana urja enters from there and balances the heart chakra through other five Prana-vayu.
Only right breath can provide good health and spiritual growth. Neti, kapal bhati and pranayama having such worth that can change a beast into a saint. Mind must be kept separate from the ego and infirmities which weaken the mind’s potential for achieving higher goals. These are the tools that makes spiritual journey easy but without refining the mind this will not happen.

To be continue………..


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