How kaki Mudra reduces skin blemishes, increases facial lustre and enhances immune system

Mudra and Bandha are certain postures of the body that can be completed in the stable postures or when practising pranayama; and at the end in meditation. By adopting yoga’s principal the aspirant can easily gain not only good  health but also kundalini is successfully awakened. By following the step by step techniques of Yoga, the aspirant will improve their perception especially when faced with difficult situations.

Mudras can affect various glands and keep the body on track. A gland is a group of cells or organs that produce a secretion. In the body, glands perform vital functions and produce juices or hormones; without which the body can become sick and lifeless. The Gheranda Samhita has described 25 mudras and bandhas. The most important among them are mula bandha, jalandhar bandha, uddiyan bandha; mudras- khichari mudra, manduki mudra, ashwini mudra, kaki mudra, matangini mudra, bhujangini mudra, viparitkari mudra and tadagi mudra. All of these mudras are beneficial for good health; and considered as the essential for the advanced mudras that comes in the second group which purify and channel the prana energy in the body. So all the mudras which come in the second group are advanced in nature and used for specific purposes.

Advanced group of mudras comprise of thirteen mudras; which must be accomplished with full awareness of the mind because the mind can control the flow of the prana and both mind and prana profoundly are associated with each other, prana follows the mind. Still the mind, focus the mind upon an object would easily control the prana. Flow of prana energy enhances with steady mind.

Advanced mudras that affect the prana are Maha mudra, Mahabandha mudra, Yoni mudra, Mahabedha mudra, Vajroni mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Shaktichalini mudra, Prithvidharna mudra, Jaladharna mudra, Vayavidharna mudra, Agnidharna mudra, Akasidharna mudra and Pashni mudra.

Kaki means crow. Kaki mudra has been learned through observing crow’s activities by ancients’ yogis watching how it becomes healthy whole of its life with the full vigour and keen observation within. Yogis found the secret from their breathing technique which keeps them healthy throughout life. Kaki mudra covers all glands and entire abdomen and ensures all Prana-vayu is balanced in the body. Kaki mudra practise is a bit of a variation of jalandhar bandha and but you inhale through the lips and out through the nose or mouth, either fill the air first in the lungs or fill the air in the stomach.

Kaki mudra:

Choose quiet and pollution free place.

Sit in the comfortable asana.

Make your lips as like the beak of a crow.

Draw in air slowly and to fill the stomach.

Bend your head so that chin touches the throat.

Hold within for some time and drawn out through the mouth.

Repeat it as much as you can. Beginners must start with one minute and gradually increases its length time. There is no maximum limit. Do for as longs as you like and are comfortable.

Precaution:  avoid doing kaki mudra after a meal.

Health Benefits:

·         Kaki mudra enhances secretion of gastrin. Gastrin is a hormone produced by the pyloric gland area of the stomach that stimulates the secretion of gastric acids. It stimulates the secretion of pepsin; an enzyme produced by the stomach that chemically breaks down peptide bonds in polypeptides and proteins.

·         Kaki mudra stimulates a protein splitting enzyme and hydrochloric acid.

·         Kaki mudra improves digestion and cures all disorders of the stomach and it happens the same as like of a crow.

·         Kaki mudra reduces skin blemishes and increases facial lustre within a few days.

·         It enhances thyroid and parathyroid, are known for immune system and heat supplier of the body that which affects the stomach further.


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