Saman-vayu |How to enhance it with yoga

In the previous article we have learned about ‘Apana-Vayu’ and its working and benefits. Apana-Vayu, when it is strong and balanced provides the foundation for a healthy body and mind, in turn providing the way to Samana-vayu to keep the body in balanced state. In this article we will talk about Samana-vayu.

Samna Vayu (balancing air) is one of the five prana Vayu in the body among Parana, Udana, Vyana, Samana and Apana. Samna Vayu is a centralizing force of energy that draws from the boundary of stomach to the navel and of spiralling movements around the navel area or Manipuri chakra/solar plexus in a clockwise direction to maintain the processing and assimilation of all that is taken in the body, whether it be food or emotions. Samana Vayu unites both prana Vayu and Apana Vayu of two energies together in the navel/ Manipur chakras which is then used to purify Agni/fire within the body. Here, three energy forces are working together to uplift the kundalini Shakti/energy towards solar plexus and others chakras.

That’s why Paranayama (the ratio of puraka, kumbhka, rechakas ‘1:4:2’ it means 5 second inhale, 20 seconds hold the breath and 10 seconds exhale breath) is the chief component of yoga as it is well known as the life-force. Breathing control enhances the strength of Parana along with nervous system. Only natural breathing-pattern would be able to purify the Paran-Vayu, as it is the bridge between the mind and five senses and only then can the sixth sense be purified and strengthened
Samana Vayu when working properly will provide good health by keeping the body in refine order by balancing of metabolism, hormones and appetite. Samna Vayu’s task is to keep the fire burning properly by churning motion to the naval, so that the processing and assimilation can carry on properly. Prana is a current/life force/cosmic energy and samana Vayu is just like the wind or mechanism of the body to use the life force into ascribe work. If wind is strong, fire would definitely be strong, so if wind is weak then the fire will also be weak in the body, prana and samana of doing their work to maintain the fire/ jathar Agni in the navel and the entire body within.

Fear, anxiety, low energy, stomach-ache, asthma and heart palpitations are the results of malfunctioning of Samana-Prana Vayu. Constipation, gas, diarrhoea, malabsorption and dysentery are the results of malfunctioning of the Samana Vayu. Vat dosha (imbalance mucus) is also owing to samana when samana is not working properly. Naval area is the store house of energy that is governed by Samana and when it is connected with Prana attributing to good health and an easy spiritual journey. Parana Vayu travels from head (crown-chakras) downward and inward providing the basic energy to which drives us in life.

After pranayama one can feel Samana Vayu near naval. Paranayama, asana, mudra, meditation and healthy diets are all factors that keeps the prana active, it is suffice to say that Parana-Vayu is the key factor of one’s health and to make an easy spiritual journey or Kundalini awakening.

Paranayama comprises with three bandhs called; Mulabandha, uddiyan bandh and jalandhar bandha. All three bandh keeping Prana-Vayu in its natural form and refine five prana within the body. One third of Nadis out of 72000 to 350000 are flowing through the Manipur chakra, in that Paranayama is very useful in offering desired results to the seeker because Paranayama purifies these Nadis. There are many glands in the body which perform vital task and yield numerous hormones in the body. Bandhas are the ones that influences them and keep the body healthy.


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