Vayu Asanas for Better Life: 'Jangha Chalan Asana' to Fix Most Vital Body Organs

Ever since the ancient Indians have started documenting the analogy of human body; they have emphasised on the need of balancing body chakras in order to keep our body fit and going. Along with body chakras they also mentioned other balancing forces of our body which work in conjunction with our physical activities. After decades long of research medical science has acknowledged that post meal physical activities helps in improving our digestion system while non activity can lead to acidity or laziness in body 

It’s needless to mention here what significance Vayu (Air) holds in our life. Ancient Indian Sciences (Ayurveda) has defined this as Vayu. According to Ayurveda; Vayu is one of the most vital systems of our body. It must be balanced in order to keep our body fit and going, day in-day out. According to Ayurveda our body has 5 regions where the Vayu sits, and it has been assigned with different names according to the places/region they sit in. These regions are mentioned below.

  • Head Region: The centre of ‘Prana Vayu’.

  • Throat Region: The centre of ‘Udana Vayu’.

  • Heart and Lungs Region: The centre of ‘Vyana Vayu’.

  • Upper Abdomen and Navel Region: The Centre of ‘Samana Vayu’.

  • Pelvic and Lower abdomen Region: The Centre of ‘Apan Vayu’.

Now that we are well verse with the Vayu (Air) System of our body; now let’s begin to know how we can balance these Vayu Systems to get the right lift for the perfect flight of life. It is not really possible to mention and squeeze in all information of Vayu System in one article So we will split the information in a series of articles and the first in series (This Article) we will talk about ‘Apan Vayu’ its working region and most importantly the Asana to get things in right place, on right pace and tempo. So let’s start.

Apan-vayu is positioned in the lowermost region i.e. The Pelvic Region and it encompasses the lower abdomen as it nourishes the organs of Digestion, Reproduction and Elimination of all substances like Carbon Monoxide, Urine, Body Urea and Stool from the body. This Vayu has downward flow. The Health issues which occur in the this region can be cured or relieved by attaining right balance of Vayu in this area for which Yoga has a solution in form of ‘Jangha Chalan Asana’ 

Jangha Chalan Asana

Jangha means Leg(s) and Chalan means to move. Jangha Chalan Asana maintains Apan-Vayu in Synchronised in the above said region. This in turn tunes the organs of related area and reinstates their ideal functionality.   
Steps to Follow

  • Stand on ground comfortably and swing the left leg slowly back and forth.

  • Keep the leg loose and allow a pendulum like straight and smooth movement.

  • Keep going for 2 minutes.
  • Stop and Switch the leg.

  • Repeat same steps for 2 minutes.

  • Upon completion, Take rest for few seconds and start again with First Leg.

  • Complete Same steps for Same time.

  • Complete 3 sets of 2-2 Minutes for each leg.

  • Stop and Relax.

  • Exercise Daily

Benefits: Apart from the benefits it gives to the organs of its region. Jangha Chalan asana is also benefits lower body, from foot to waist. It relieves acute pains of foot, legs and waist region and makes the body active. 


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