Reenergize Your Body and Mind With This Asana

Spoilt Kids are the nightmare of the society we all know that; I hope I am not offending anyone by saying this. I don’t really have anything to say against those kids or even matures who have a bully kind of behaviour. I see some very positive instincts in their characters. They are Adamant, Persistent and believe in action; they have the desire to be heard and to get their demands fulfilled so do we all. What I find wrong with those chaps is their perspective and imbalanced chemistry of beliefs. They perceive everyone as their puppets which often lead them to behave rude with others. I wonder what if we can channelize their energies to do something positive and productive. I mean a mindset with such a great set of skills (Persistence, Action, Leadership and Adamancy) can achieve anything right?

But the reality is sad; at least with some people; by the time they learn to behave well the energy/spark they had in their days of youth is gone. Some of them then die wishing if they could have the energies to recreate their history. Time once can’t be regained but with the use of Yoga one really can regain the energies to rewrite the history. You want to know how?

Youvan Tatva ke Sadhan (asana for youth) is the answer of your question; The set of four asanas that helps in retaining or regaining youth and slowing down ageing process of the body with the help of Griva, Bhuja Charka, Kati Chakra and Jangha Chalan Asanas. These asanas aim to strengthen the Spine and Body Muscles along with Arms and Legs. All of these asanas provide the best exercise you can ever have to the spinal cord and the nervous system. So, now you know that it’s time to identify your distinct strength and apply it in your decisive objective. Let’s read how to start performing one of these asanas.

Bhuja Chakra or Bhuja Chalan Asana

Bhuja chakra or chalan asana: Bhuja means arm and chakra or chalan to moves so Bhuja chalan means moves the arm along

Procedure to follow

  • Stand with ease and of keeping the arms and hands loose.

  • Start with Left or Right arm.

  • Swing your arm slowly to the back while keeping it straight.

  • Swing back to previous position.

  • Repeat for 10 to 15 times.

  • Repeat same steps with other arm.

  • Swing your arm slowly to the back while keeping it straight.

  • Swing back to previous position.

  • Repeat for 10 to 15 times.

  • Start with Left or Right arm.

  • Swing your arm slowly to the front while keeping it straight.

CAUTION: The Movement should be till the point where you are not feeling any pain. Don’t over go as it will do more harm and less benefit. 


This asana strengthen and relaxes shoulders and back muscles. It cures swollen fingers and helpful in the old age. It benefits lungs, heart, back muscles and all organs of the body. Shoulders muscles would be flexible and easier to do it fully.


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