Racalibrate Your Neural Network With The Help of 'Nadi Chalan Asana'

Everything in this world is connected through the networks. We have Networks of Transportation Systems, Healthcare Services, Communication Services and everything else. We can say without Network we are nothing, Our existence our Entity will case without network. If you don’t agree with the lines above just keep reading this article for a while as it will prove it right. Our Body has its own network of Hundreds of Thousands Veins or Blood Lines whenever the blood supply to any part of this network is interrupted; our system starts getting paralysed. Underneath the skin, we are filled with innumerable Nadis and many of them cannot be counted as they are Nano-Thin and can’t be seen with naked eyes. More than 72000 Nadis to the internal structure of the body of carry the current flow or ‘‘Urja’(Energy)’ into the organs along with the spine.

Nadis are the Astral Tubes made up of Astral Matter. These Nadis are not ordinary nerves, while ordinary nerves are Arteries, Veins and Nerves. All the Nadis comes from the Kanda and Kanda is twelve inches above the Anus

Sushumna, Ida, Pingla, Gandhari, Saraswati, Kuhu, Pusha, Varuni and Yasavini are major Nadis among all. We will discuss them in detail in Upcoming Articles.
Our Spine comprises of with
  • Cervical region (neck, 7 vertebrae)
  • Dorsal region (back, 12 vertebrae)
  •  Lumber region (waist, 5 vertebrae)
  • Sacral region (buttocks, Sacrum 5 vertebrae)
  • Coccygeal region (4 vertebrae).

You can see these regions like the command centres of different body regions. Just like any other network, our body’s Nerve Network send signals back and forth to every part of body to make sure everything is working absolutely fine or not. These Sub Networks are connected with the main network which in turn is controlled and monitored by our brain. Nadi chalan Asana helps us in keeping smooth and proper flow of ‘Urja’(Energy) inside the nerves.

Nadi Chalan is one of seven ‘Yoga for Life’ Asanas from which everyone could be able to whip up of energy for our day to day workout with full vigour.

Steps to follow

  • Sit on the ground with legs wide open and be straight of keeping in the mind.
  • Do it as much you can without any pain in the muscles.
  • Swing the waist by widening the arms in an endeavour to touch the right toe with left hand and meantime, right arm of going straight back.
  • Touch the left toe with right hand of taking the left arm straight back.
  • The waist and arms would swing in both direction consistently or rhythmically, whilst the head will bend towards the knees.
  • Bring legs closer and relax in shava-asana.

Note: If you are at a beginner level in yoga then it’s quite possible that your hands will not touch the feet in the beginning; but gradually you could be able to do so after few days later. Do this Asana for five minutes.

Benefits: The body enhances energetic and strong after of doing this asana. Useful for arms, legs and shoulders along with spine. Nadi Chalan greatly strengthens vein, nerves and heart’s muscles and bring flexibility to muscles of back, spine waist and stomach too. Laziness and weakness comes to an end as you do this asana and moreover, it cures checks obesity, to kidney and internal organs of stomach.

Precautions: Nadi Chalan is not for those ones of having severe backache and those ones of having gall bladder stone and heart problems.


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