Griva Chalan Asana- The Secret of True Yogis

No matter at what stage of life you currently are. Mere a thought of your youth days/life will always give an energy rush throughout your Mind, Body and Spirit. Nothing lasts forever, they say; Your health is not going to be in fine shape in older age they say; but, Yoga doesn’t carry or propagate this myth. Not at least in matter of your health as yogis (those who have adopted Yoga in their lifestyle) even in elderly stage of life stay fit and agile and what keep them going and hitting the high notes of life is some simple Yoga Asanas. I am humbled to my Gurus and Mother Nature to introduce me to these Asanas as they keep the youth inside me Alive and Kicking even at this age.

Today we are going to start a new series of Yoga Asanas and these Asanas are known as “Asanas for the Youth”. Griva Chalan Asana is the first asana in this series of the four asanas, Griva means neck and Chalan means to move. It starts with moving the neck slowly by starting from the front with down forward movement of head, clockwise and anticlockwise. The exercise of the neck is very essential as to keep away the maladies of the body and balance the hormones in the body. Griva chalan asana provide well shaped neck and of balancing the hormones which is the causes of good health.

When Throat Chakra is imbalanced, people may suffer from bronchitis, hay fever, hypertension, nose problem, teeth problem, thyroid problems, tonsillitis and influenza. Throat chakra often let you know that what changes is of going insides the body and how to resolve it.  A sentient being is one who perceives things better and responds to sensation of whatever kind-sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell in the right way; engaging deeply with the objects and makes refined blend of his inner or outer world and being brought meaning and purpose in his life.

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland located at the front of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in the neck. A bilobate endocrine gland on each side of the trachea, connected below the larynx by a thin isthmus of tissue, the secretion of which regulates the rates of metabolism and body growth.

The thyroid gland secretes three hormones:

  • Thyroxin: Regulates the metabolic rate.

  • Triiodothyronine: Controls the growth, development, metabolism, body temperature.

  • Calcitonin: Helps to regulate the blood’s calcium and phosphate level.

These hormones increase the metabolic rate of the body and increases heat in the body to maintain the body function properly; maintain basal metabolic rate, thyroxine affects the physiology of excretion. So neck needs to be exercised regularly to refine the body in the well-shaped, and so that it coordinates the others hormones in the body.

Griva Chalan Asana
Steps to Follow

  • Sit comfortably on the floor in the Sidha-asana or Padam asana.

  • Keep your mind positive and breathe naturally.

  • Eyes close and relax before to going to star, and of keeping the back straight and shoulders loose.

  • Bend the neck forward and as you move it slowly as round towards the right shoulders stretching backward through the left shoulders and to middle of the chest.

  • Pause for a while and do the same in the reverse order i.e. move neck slowly as round the left shoulders stretching backward through the right shoulders to middle of the chest.


Griva chalan asana tones up the nerves of head, neck, ears and eyes. Beneficial for those ones of having thyroid problem, blocked phlegm of throat and of spondylitis as it tune the whole nervous system.
Precaution: avoid it, In case of major cervical problem and severe headache 


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