Janu Prasar Asana: To Save Your Shoes From Untimely Death

I am really unhappy today; Reason: The pair of sneakers I brought recently from an online site started showing the signs of their death. The sole is wearing out too quickly and I believe it won’t last long than a week. The online store has no return policy so my hard earned money gone in vain. I wish this pair had stronger muscles than this to bear the grind.

Unfortunately this is the fast forward story of the life of ‘all lazy fellows’ who take it easy every morning or evening when it’s time to burn some calories by some kind of workout. People have no problem investing money for their fitness but they don’t want to invest time in taking care of their bodies. That’s why ‘no shows’ at gyms and fitness centres is a common phenomenon.But later in life when it became more complex and we are not getting young anymore. Weaker muscles and lazy lifestyle throws to the backseat of life. Means you have no or less control on your life.

While taking a long run or hitting the gym for strength exercises may not be the choice many of us; Yoga has a solution for those people who ‘want to’ but ‘cannot’ and guess what! The solution comes with additional benefits. The Solution is: “Janu Prasar Asana          

How it works??

 It is beneficial for the Thighs, Knees, Lower Abdomen and muscles of the lower body. It tones up the lower part of your Spinal Cord as well as it cures indigestion and regulates bowel function. Not only this but it also cures constipation and strengthens intestines.

Steps to Follow

  • Lie straight on the ground and keep the body straight. 

  • Fold your left leg slowly and put sole of the foot on knee of the right leg.

  • Stretch the bent leg outwards to touch the ground slowly and Hold it position for a few seconds then move it back to the initial position.
  • Repeat this movement for at least 10 times for each leg.

  • Make sure to keep rest of the body in relax position so that it does not interfere with your lower body movements.
  • Repeat this Asana Daily. The duration could be increased as body adapt to the movements.


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