Row towards the fitness with 'Sakand Chalan Asana'

The evolution of mankind is one of the best and notable evolutions in the history of earth. With the evolution of human our living habits changed over and over and took us here on a very comfortable stage where we all are minute away from luxuries of life like hot food, potable water and what not. The luxury and comforts in life have however taken a toll on our health and today we many of us find themselves in the catch of lifestyle linked health issues. Inactivity of our vital organs for long periods leads to diseases. To cut out the inactivity and adverse effects of lazy lifestyle yoga has the solution. 

Yoga has given us 7 Essential Asanas and today we know them as ‘Jivan Tatva ke Sadhan’ or Potion for Life. In this article we will talk about “Sakand Chalan Asana” the second in series of this series of essential asanas. In case you missed the 1st Asana of the series Click HERE to read it. These seven asana workout all the internal-external organs and joint of the body along with all glands, muscles and spine as these asana warm-up the whole body and make you able to get more flexibility, more stamina and enthusiastic for all day long.

Skandh Chalan Asana

Steps to follow:

  •   Sit in Sidha Asana or Padam Asana. Even you could sit in simple posture if you have inconvenience to sit in Sidha asana or Padam asana.

  • Rest your palm on the knees nicely, back and head should remain straight and make sure that your shoulder must be relaxed.
  • Move your shoulders in circular motion just like we do when rowing a boat or pedalling a cycle. 
  •  Maintain a low speed for your movement, Breathe naturally and relaxed during the process.
  • Repeat the process for 3-5 minutes. Start all over three times at least.
  • Upon completion switch back to relax position.
Skandh Chalan is very simple to perform, and is beneficial for all age groups; also its super easy to perform and gives you maximum results with minimum of energy application that too within few minutes.

Benefits: It cures Back Pain, Tones Neck Muscles, Tones and strengths Shoulder Joints, Strengths Ribs and Lungs, Liver and spleen, cures Respiratory Troubles and Shoulders Pain and its also helpful in prevention of tuberculosis. It safeguards our body from Heart valves problems, Blockage of Arteries and Cholesterol Problems If it is being done regularly. Asthmatic and Heart patients should take extra care when performing this asana, The duration can be reduced according to one’s physical strength and can be increased gradually as body strengthens.
Skandh Chalan Asana also helps you in meditation as It activates Throat Chakra; when throat is imbalanced. People may suffer from Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hypertension, Respiratory problems, Tonsillitis and Influenza when Throat Chakra is imbalanced. It also regulates Hormone secretion in our body.

The hormones in right balance increase the metabolic rate, heat production in body and maintain basal metabolic rate. Skandh Chalan asana solves your health issues timely and of solving the onset of the disease. A sore throat might be described as examples of the onset of a cold, can be rectified and the sickness prevented. One just needs to drink more water and exercise Skandh Chalan asana to keep Throat Chakra active and Kicking.


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