Pag Chalan Asana - 'For Those Who Want To Do Things Differently'

Successful People don’t do different things,
they do things differently

I assume most of us have heard of above written lines at some point of their lives. This simple quote written above reveals a lot of about our lives and it’s patterns. In our lives every day we take several decisions. We weigh in the profits and loss and come to a conclusion which is generally in our favour. We all like favourable circumstances or events right? And what do we do when an adverse situation arises in our life? Most of us get panic and make the situation even worse by taking wrong actions or no actions at all to solve the problem. Those who keep their mind calm even if a situation is as big as a tornado comes out with a wise decision and wins the game of life that’s how they do things differently. 

Anxiety, Sadness and Anger drains out our capabilities to think wisely which in return make us take wrong decisions. One has to keep his calm in order to get through the problems or bigger problems or Even Bigger problems. Te keep calm while hunting down the best option out of an unfavourable situation one needs to stay Tuned with routine yoga exercises. This article is the 3rd one in the series of 7 Essential Asanas known as ‘Jivan Tatva ke Sadhan’ or Potion for Life. In this article we will talk about “Pag Chalan Asana”. In case you missed the 1st and 2nd Asana of the series Click HERE to read 1st One and Click HERE to read the second in series article.

To bring the balance between the two forces in the body, mind and soul, one must ensure to perform Yoga in rhythm. The practice will develop and bring back to life our long forgotten and lost peace and calmness of mind and you will feel more connected to nature and your own self. The practice of Yoga must be followed by gradually and step by step so that oscillation of the mind is stopped because oscillation will retard progress and results in stagnation. The one who is equipped with Yoga and has full evenness and has the power mastered over the senses.

Pag Chalan Asana

Pag means the ‘legs’ and Chalan means to ‘move’; so, of moving  legs left to right and right to left while body become stay and being fixed on the floor is known as Peg Chalan.

Steps for follow

  • Lie on ground and of keeping arms and legs close to the body (the legs must not be keep apart to perform Pag Chalan).

  • Keep the body loose and put the right foot on left.

  • Swing the heel of the lower foot towards left and right briskly and easily without stretching any part of the body.

  • Do it for about three minutes after that change over the feet and do the same.

  • Take the foot off and relax.

Benefits: Peg Chalan cures disorders of feet, heel and muscles of the legs. It regulates the blood circulation in the legs properly, in that the people suffering from polio get relieve as it cures wind troubles too. Pag Chalan is beneficial for all, on being told that these seven asanas warm-up the body; moreover, beget strength, flexibility and stamina that makes exercise of the advanced asanas easier, and quite simple even for children and old ones. Pag Chalan cleans intestines, stomach’s organs along with digestion and appetite also.


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