Sarvottan Asana: The Simplest Yet Most Effective Excercise to Begin Your Day With

Sarvottan Asana(posture) comprises with the breathing exercise which is being done for improving the internal-external organs along with muscles; and, of boosting the body movements by employing stretching exercise suitably, as stretching the toes, arms and palms into right direction for a sometimes.  Lie down on the floor or ground face up with knees slightly bent as place your hand lightly on your stomach and concentrate on inhale from both nostrils and make sure using the diaphragm, not using the chest and let the stomach rise naturally along with the lungs fill from the bottom and exhale through the mouth and let the stomach fall naturally as you must do it for six times.

This breathing technique is known as Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises; and, it is the most efficient muscle of breathing as abdominal muscles help the diaphragm and give you more power to empty your lungs, deep breathing exercise which is being done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity. Air enters the lungs and the chest, and the belly expands during this type of breathing and while exhale the diaphragm relaxes along with the intercostal muscles, letting air to leave as may be forced out faster by growing abdominal pressure with the transverse abdominis muscle.

How to Excercise Sarvottan Asana??

  • Lie down on the floor, put both the hands-on stomach with fingers crossed as turn palms outwards and exhale.
  • Stretch arms then take them slowly behind the head while breathing in.
  • Stretch toes forward whilst breathe normally.
  • Keep the body stretched for some minutes as your body permit you after that bring back the arms slowly and put on the stomach. 
  • Relax toes and breathe normally but deep. 

Repeat it for more than three times for better results.

Health Benefits: Sarvottan provide you more energy and oxygen for your day as it being destroy indolence or laziness and you could do it in the morning time on bed at the time of waking up. It cures disorder of feet, legs, arm, spine and shoulders muscles along with to heart, lungs, stomach, chest and all muscles of the body.
Muscles in the body provide the means of all the movements and that cover the skeletal framework and contour to the body and maintain body posture while sitting, standing and walking. There are about four thousand muscles in our body making up one-half of the body weight and comprises with two categories- voluntary muscles that which are under control of our will, while involuntary muscles that which are not controlled by our will. So, Sarvottan asana give you a way to go ahead.
In the next article you will get to know about Skandh Chalan asana.


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