Nabhi Chalan Asana- "The Wonder of Body Sciences"

Aeroplanes are the fastest medium of travel and transportation on earth in today’s world. I am pretty sure that for most of us sight of an airplane is a normal thing right? Today, while most of us look at this engineering marvel as a vehicle or machine only back in time at the time of its invention people called that ‘59 seconds of flight’ a Miracle. But today if you ask people if these mammoth flying machines are a miracle or Pure Engineering then most of us will call it an Engineering Marvel. It took Years and Years of Research and Development to build these flying machines and even today the R&D continues to make them Even Faster, Economical, Mightier and Comfortable. To achieve these goals they have been tweaking with every aspect of Shape, Size, Material and Fuel of this Mighty Machine but the basic principles have been the same since the inception of these flying machines and they will be same in coming years too.

 “Every flight begins with a fall..”

When we talk about Yoga and its benefits we just not talk about a technique or a set of techniques which can keep us fit and kicking. We are talking about something which was considered as ‘The wonder of Body Sciences’. This miracle has taken many twists and turns before getting into a perfect shape which today keep up Fit and Tuned. The Methods or techniques yoga offers us are known as Asanas. Thus Every day when you are performing yoga you are not only performing an exercise; But, you are performing a well practiced, well tested and proven method of exercises. This Science which is also known as ‘Yogic Science’ comprises of Asanas, Paranayama, Concentration and Meditation designed to achieve the aim of awakening and enhancement of Parana or the Vital Force within the body.

The Sanskrit word Parana is a combination of two syllabuses, Para that denotes constancy, and Na that denotes a force in constant motion. Parana exists in sentient being as the energy which drives every action whether it is voluntary or involuntary and every thought which comes out of conscious-unconscious level and bears the results. Introversion, concentration, meditation and finally transcendence of all these virtues comes out of refine ratio of Parana energy. It increases the capacity of all Nadis, Air and Chakras. A seeker gets rid of all vices and infirmities of thought, emotion, and behaviour as you put more Parana in to the body.

As described in the previous articles Sarvottan Asana, Sakand Chalan Asana and Pag Chalan Asana the warm-up Asanas are the gateway to advanced practicing of yoga. Intrinsic faith and prudent belief are the primary ingredients of Yogic Practice. As warm-up asanas provide you more flexibility, more stamina and more energy by boosting Parana energy in the body; Flexibility Clears the path further which multiplies one’s virtue, wisdom and divine capabilities. All in all Yoga unlocks the Hidden Powers, which have a much larger potential rather than the physical forces ever harnessed by man.

Nabhi Chalan Asana

Nabhi means ‘navel’ and Chalan mean ‘moves’ and so moves the navel in this asana.

Steps to Follow

  •   Lie down straight on the ground and keeping arms near the body.

  • The Body must be in a straight line and feet must be together on the ground in relaxed Position.
  • Initiate the Asana Movement by slowly twist (Sideway Twists) your lower body (body below the navel) from left to right and from right to left slowly.

  • Make sure to keep your Arms, Head and Shoulders in relaxed and rest position while making movements.

  • While performing sidewise movements your legs tend to bend a little however this does not hamper the Asana’s benefits but it is advisable to keep legs as straight as you could to churn out maximum benefits out of this asana.

  • Repeat the movements for at least three minutes then switch to Shava-Asana for two minutes.

  • Switch back to normal position Repeat procedure everyday for benefits.

Benefits: It Cuts Excessive Fat of Abdomen Area and improves flexibility. It Improves digestion, Strengthens Backbone and Tones body contours. This asana increase appetite as it lightens the stomach and along with major organ of the stomach it cures wind disorders.


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