Put an end to these health issues with Sarp Asana

Learning is the Art and Science of the life and action is the key to put this mechanism to work. We all wish to have good health but only a few really are willing to get up and put their will into action to churn out the results. For good health and disease free life routine work out is paramount.

As I mentioned above; Learning is the art and Science of life; for hundreds of years our ancestors have learnt and practised the art of yoga and what we see today as Asanas are practised to perfectness postures which gives you the best result with minimum application of time and efforts. 

Sarp Asana is what we will talk about today. It’s a very effective asana in clearing out all your body trashes; furthermore, it stimulates the glands, helps in circulation of oxygen supply to reach the innermost parts of body. When we neglect of sufficient exercise our hormones, body muscles and organs stops functioning accurately as per the requirement of the body. Hormones increase the metabolic rate of the body and increase heat production and maintain basal metabolic rate, thyroxin affects the physiology of excretion. Sarap asana makes you able to fresh and more energetic all-day long. Sarap asana or backward bend is really a good exercise for backbone, muscles and hormones. The regular practice of this asana gifts us the energy that would stay days and weeks long.

The posture of body resembles to snake that it is named after as Bujangasana asana or cobra pose or sarap asana. While performing this asana, it’s advised to turn your head sideways in slow motion for three times as it would add more benefits to your neck bones and muscles; those suffering from neck pain or cervical problem will find an immediate relief upon practising. Shoulder bones, caps and hand bones will become strong as you do it for a month only.

Steps to follow:

Put on comfortable clothing and find somewhere quite place. Lie flat on your stomach and the chin on the floor comfortably as your body allow, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Place your hands-on ground besides chest and raise head and chest up to the navel, look overhead without raising the shoulders, the arm should remain bent balancing weight of the body. The toes should be stretched behind together. Your hip and the lower portion must be placed on the floor


sarp asana (serpent posture) cures spine problems especially backache, strengthen heart, respiratory problems, remove constipation, strengthen abdomen, small intestine, improve appetite and abdominal growth.


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