Picture Perfect your Perception with the help of Yoga

The nature of the Universe is to give when we are in harmony with the law of the Universe. The harmony that ensues among all and bring happiness to every tiny object of nature. When we are entirely aware of our perception, we are then able to acquire the faculty of hearing, smell, taste, touch and seeing more coherently. The secret to this, is in the degree of attention & focus placed. Visualisation is considered essential to inspiring one’s unconscious mind, laying a good foundation for the law of attraction and key to unlocking true genius.
The mind reflects on the events that have brought us here, based on past experiences it anticipates what to come. Anger, feeling of being alone and state of desperate are emotions triggered by something you have perceived as a bad experience previously. Implying suffering really arises from within your mind. If this is true then things can be different. Certain stressful incidents do occur in every person’s life at one time on another; illness of near and dear ones, a personal loss or of those close to you, can all really take a toll on one’s emotional steadiness. So when you are distressed, how are you going to find a way to correct that? Your state of mind depends entirely on you react which the mind has been conditioned by past experiences.  
For example, if in childhood you experienced or observed exchange of words where the reactions was anger, then your conscious mind will think this is how to react to it, if then you have the same experience as few times then this will be engrained in the unconscious mind. The mind will become conditioned to give reaction and it becomes an automatic/habit. 
To break this conditioning, the first step is to observe it is an automatic reaction. You cannot change what you are not aware of. Awareness is the key to changing behaviours to ultimately achieve eternal bliss. Eternal bliss lies in giving up the pleasures of the senses and in pursuing them. Sometimes temptation resonates with the pleasures of senses. Wrong temptation embodies all that is creating void within, drifting away from self-awareness, shifting emotion and trigging into wrong slant. Any activity devoid of attention, is utterly meaningless and rarely produces any desired results.
It is better to wait until the mind is relaxed. A relaxed mind is more productive as compared to a tense mind. Still your mind and do nothing in response to a situation will allow you to read the situation for what it really is rather than just an automatic reaction. Doing nothing allows creation of a gap between the angering spur or annoying behaviour and response. The highest emptiness of the mind is breakthrough clear knowing. Hence, the advice of taking 10 deep breathes when you get angry before reacting. That time allows your mind to become calm and the respond rather than react. 
Think of something you like doing and your trouble will fly away. Figure out how to be more energetic and enthusiastic about what you do. Focus on what you can make better in your life and try something new, in that, mind will grow with the additional information and that will direct your passion in the right direction.
The root of inspiration is contained in the Third Eye Chakra as you have the power to cut through the nonsense to find deeper meaning of your existence, beauty and a quality of life. Spending time in quiet reflection would explore your wisdom and allow you to see if you hold any false beliefs for which you have no experience verification and thereby focus on your inner awareness, even in the most difficult of situations. The conscious is an inner power that most of us undervalue. 
Let’s take some examples: - Focusing sunrays on a convex lens is the consequence of thermal energy and ignition. To clear muddy water, let it be still and it will gradually become clear as the soil within it settles to the bottom. So, all things alike go through their processes of activity and then see it return to its original state. In the same way conscious and subconscious minds refine themselves, you just need to give it time and create a gap between action and reaction and thereby free you from any conditioned behaviours/habits. 


  1. Relaxed and focused mind resonates with the nature and everything is blessed with happiness,Very nice article

  2. Yoga is very important in life

  3. if in childhood you experienced or observed exchange of words where the reactions was anger, then your conscious mind will think this is how to react to it, if then you have the same experience as few times then this will be engrained in the unconscious mind. The mind will become conditioned to give reaction and it becomes an automatic/habit.

    nyc one jaswinder bhalla sir

  4. Fantastic and inspiring thought


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