'Bhakti Yoga' an indispensable tool to tune the rythm of your day

Pious, just human, temperate, uniform and dignified, these are the example of true saint is edifying to all around him. Great man assent such types of suggestions. He must know what is wisest and best for himself is well-being. Healthy body is the basis of every ease and growth, whether worldly or spiritual. Yoga is the most sought after wisdom in the world today and being universally acknowledge as a unique alternative healing. Yoga comprises with Asana, Paranayama, Bandha, meditation and along with Bhakti Yoga, RajYoga and Kriya yoga.

As water flows downwards and fire flows upwards, the mind flows by its precise nature towards the senses (tastes, hearing, sight, touch and hearing). Therefore, it is of utmost significance to keep the wisdom for proper control over mind. Laya yoga is the state of mind of which one could be able to control over mind and five senses, by this the wavering of mind stop itself and get immersed in the object of meditation. 

Bhakti Yoga is indispensable tool for solving modern era problems like sedentary life styles, inconsistent behaviour and health issues. Bhakti Yoga encompasses with compassion, wishing well to all, non-violence, truthfulness, integrity, freedom from all else and yearning for God. Guru Nanak Dev, Tulsidas, Mira, Namdev, Kabir and Vivekananda were blessed souls to whom Almighty being given his lovely image. Through constant prayer, japa, kirtan, charity and singing for the Almighty were their prime motive to intensifies their conscious level with Him. From dawn to dusk, jump-start their day by integrating these healthy attributes into their everyday lifestyle, and they fore go comforts for the welfare of society moreover kept to became comfortable with discomfort.

The best time for prayer is early morning. Early morning offer immense peace, ennobling effect; body reacts favourably to natural light and exceptional quietness that intensifies your perception to do things nicely for all day long, suffice it to say, for accomplishing your goals prior to avoid squandering precious time in checking email etc. Attention plays a prominent part in concentration if reduce wasteful activities during day. Just as law of gravitation and cohesion owing to physical planes, so also definite laws of thought such as law of association, relativity, contiguity and law of like attracts, like operate in the mental-emotion level.  

Japji Sahib is summary of Guru Nanak Dev ji’philosophy of the Nature of God and Universe, dilemma of birth-death, sorrow-happiness and freedom-slavery; conscious and subconscious and way to reach into our inner nature or conscious to cut through the fog of illusion shaped by our false ego so that we can know the true purpose of life. Nanak’s divine words not only eternal, they are also exceedingly beautiful as poetry even Rabindranath Tagore stated that. Japji Sahib is believed to be the first composition of Guru Nanak at the age of 37, begin with the Mool mantra and followed by 38 poudis(stanzas) and ends with a final Slock at the end of his composition and stated that God is indescribable; 

Guru Nanak Dev ji (1469-1539) was one of the greatest religious and social reformers of all time and the founder of the Sikh religion. He embraced the God through his verses which he composed himself and advocated all are equal in respect, there is only one supreme power but named differently by the believer. He has given much importance for kirtan and langer and this tradition has been keeping on till now.

The celebrations in the Sikh religion turn around the anniversaries of the ten Sikh Guru and their birthday, known as Gurpurb are occasions for celebration and prayer among the Sikhs. The celebration mostly commence with Parbhat Pheris are early morning processions that start at the Gurdwaras and keep around the localities singing Shabad (holy songs). The idea behind the free communal langar is that everyone, irrespective of cast, class, creed should be offered food in the spirit of seva (service) and bhakti(devotion).


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