Yoga Techinques To Make Your Bones Super Strong

Calcium is required to maintain strong bones and teeth. If your daily diet does not have sufficient calcium, you may need calcium supplementation otherwise Calcium deficiency may cause Osteoporosis leading to weakening of bones later on.

Eighty percent of our body’s phosphorus is found in our Bones; it also attributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and the normal function of cell membranes.

Vitamin D, crucial for the normal absorption or utilization of calcium and Phosphorus also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and normal muscle function.  It helps in maintaining normal functioning of the immune system, blood calcium levels and plays a vital role in the process of cell division. 

Calcium is fifth most abundant element in the human body and the most abundant mineral.  Many enzymes require calcium ions as a cofactor. Calcium ions outside cells are also important for maintaining the potential difference across excitable cell membranes, as well as proper bone formation. Body Hormones secreted by thyroid gland plays a role in regulating calcium levels, if there’s something wrong with your calcium levels then the cause could be found in hormone secretion or thyroid level imbalance. The functioning of Thyroid gland could be regulated using yoga.

Practitioners of yoga know how to refine vishudha chakra (is situated within the sushumna nadi at the base of the throat) for desired results and purify with bija mantra-HUM, neti (purification of nostrils), drawing water and expelling it through the nose. Neti kriya purifies the skull and balancing brain hormones and paranayama control breathing along with five Prana, viz., Prana, Apana, Udana and Vyana as they occupy certain place in the body. Asana, Paranayam, Neti, meditation helps to maintain the level of calcium in your body.

Age:- Adjusted daily calcium recommendation (US Institute of Medicine RDAs)
1-3years needs to take 700(mg/day), 4-8 years (1000 mg/day), 9-18(1300 ca mg/day) and 1000 mg/day rest of life.

Vishudda chakras:- vishuddha chakras is situated within the sushumna nadi at the base of the throat, and corresponding to Laryngeal (a muscular and cartilaginous structure lined with mucous membrane at the upper part of the trachea in man) plexus in the physical body. Pranayama known as the breathing-control-technique and chiefly enhances the strength of prana and nervous system; purifies blood. Improves digestion and balances the kaf-pit-vayu in the body. Ancient Ayurveda diagnosis any ailment in the body prior to analyses kaf-pit-vayu (mucus-acid-wind) just observes the nerve of the wrist.

Ujjayi Pranayama: breathe in from both nostrils and as you fill in air taking it to mouth. Do kumbhaka along with uddiyan bandha and Jalandhar bandha as long as your body permits you.


  1. very nice article about importance of Calcium and the benefits of Yoga to maintain the balance of kaf-pit-vayu

  2. Vitamin D, crucial for the normal absorption or utilization of calcium and Phosphorus also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and normal muscle function. It helps in maintaining normal functioning of the immune system, blood calcium levels and plays a vital role in the process of cell division.

    NYC information

  3. Vitamin D, crucial for the normal absorption or utilization of calcium and Phosphorus also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and normal muscle function. It helps in maintaining normal functioning of the immune system, blood calcium levels and plays a vital role in the process of cell division.

    NYC information


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