Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Return To Your 'True' Nature

Step out of your comfort zone, leaving all pleasures behind and return to your primeval nature. It offers you refine perception, health and longevity. The Eternal bliss lies in giving up the pleasures of the senses and in pursuing them.

For brief moments, a flicker of desires flashed across you, but being gone as quickly as it has appeared. An independent life style, fatigue, erratic sleeping pattern and numerous temptations could be responsible for unhealthy mind, body and soul consequences as, imbalance breathing pattern of which further spread sickness.
Before birth, the infant does not use his lungs and nose to breathe. Life force or Paran Urja or Cosmic energy enters through the umbilical cord to the novel; this energy flow down to the perineum and then up the sacrum to the spinal cord along with seven major chakras to the head, forehead (third eyes), down the front and enters the tongue, likewise the throat, heart, abdomen and finally navel centers. 

This is the natural path being called the Microcosmic Orbit attributes health, gradual developments all organs of the body. In navel areas about 1/3 nerves flows out of 72000 nerves; only abdomen breathing harmonizing the whole body to keep on smoothly the function of the body.

Life force drains with the passage of time, when you ignore abdominal breathing pattern and correct way of life. Low energy creates only imbalance in the body results in the fluid flow in the entire system. This, in turn slows down the two major currents like hot and cold. Breath creates a flow of energy in the body. In the nostrils Ida (cool), Pingla (hot) and Sushumna blends the flow of energy being created. Ida and Pingla Nadis are not the gross sympathetic chains, but subtle Nadis that carry the Sushumna current. With loss of sufficient energy in the abdomen results in, energy become hot, it will move up congest chest and head, and cold energy will move down through the sexual organs. 

It’s all depends upon the both Nadis’s coordination; all maladies arise with the unbalancing of the two currents. The lungs are left alone to do chest breathing which is insufficient to fulfill the body needs which comprises only 30%. So abdomen breathing can enlarge the amount of pressure exerted on the organs and keep the body growth.
Abdomen breathing establishes consistency manifesting introversion, concentration, meditation and transcendence. Aligning your opportunities with your skills, stretching beyond past performance is possible through right breathing. Flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of abdomen breathing.

Paranayama means to practice the process of breathing to refine and enhance Paran Urja in the body. By harnessing this energy you will able to maintain your body from ailments and keeps every tissue of the body alive and moreover Prana(life force) contains heat, light, electricity and magnetism is associated to mind; through mind to the will; through will to the soul and finally to the Supreme soul. Control breath by thought under the control of your will manifesting desired goal.

Nadi purification Paranayama: if you want to get maximum benefits of the paranayama need to purify of the nerves first. Sit in Siddasana or Padmasana.close the right nostril with your thumb. Inhale through the left nostril with fully aware of the parana.  Then close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Do these three minutes for one week after that you can increase your time as you feel easy. During inhale your abdomen need to expand and during exhale shrink.


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