Don't Do, But Breathe In Yoga to Breath Out Problems

Yoga is for the benefit of all and during yoga session incapability is no longer a barricade on the way to keep your goals alive. Along with blissful state of mind and well-being of physical body with fine blend of soul; The practice of yoga comprises with Asana (postures), paranayama and mudras that put more importance on the fasciae connective tissues, organs and tendons, bones, bone marrow and seven major energy center known as chakras or glands and less emphasis on muscles development Yogic practices shall be performed slowly, in a tranquil manner, with consciousness of the body and breath, and yoga session should end with meditation provide only desired results. Immense bliss is generated and the person feels intense peace in the state of meditation. Bones are filled with red marrow in the early stage of life, and with the passage of time the bones gradually hollow out owes to filling with fat consequences as, producing less blood cells and become brittl...