The more the Paran Urja you have, the more you healthy

One must be able to celebrate each and every moment of life and accomplishing whatever one’s set out to do, with an inner sense of satisfaction.  One’s emotional level has great impact on the growth and activities of the conscious and subconscious mind.
The will, Attention and Grasping things at the conscious level only attribute of success and further; that knowledge and wisdom becomes an inseparable part of mind and required less efforts as you did before. Visual reflections create significant impression on the mind through refine perception and it stimulates specific bio-electrochemical reactions which finally affect the entire body. The Signal, Hormonal and Blood supply network of our body comprises with glands along with seven Chakras, spine and brain. The brain receives, organizes and distributes information. 

Dendrites receive information across linking called synapses of which play vital role to refine ones capability to perceive things better. Cortex is the part of the brain that is accountable for human abilities of memory, language, interpret, store information from the senses and theoretical thought. The brain is richly endowed with specific molecules ‘Neurotrophins’ which is a family of proteins that induce the survival, growth and function of neurons.

 If you spare little time from your life and devote it to self –monitoring your inner core, you may find that inconsistency is a normal part of human being and being drifted on every tiny emotion, beyond that there are plenty of objective to go earnestly within to quell your thoughts. Each thought you have, creates an energy flow within and around your physical beings; manifesting your reality and experience. The problems arise with getting older- forgetfulness, learning new things seems to be difficult. While in that stage of age most of us resort to health supplements hoping them to work and restore the functioning of our brain and body, we ignore the ancient techniques that work wonders to kick out these problems of elder age. Yoga aims to help you keep a continuing level of mental capability, strength and flexibility as you getting old. Vamana is the Yoga technique with which these problems can be cured. So let’s have an introduction with the technique and access the path that leads to better mental health.  

Vamna (Dhauti): This is done in the morning as empty stomach, drink water(lukewarm with little salts) as much as you can or  feel full up create a feeling of nausea. Contract the stomach a little.  After one minute later, it makes easier to empty the stomach. In the beginning it seems to be difficult, gradually you learn the way to empty the stomach. Empty the stomach one has needed to massage the root of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand to bring vomiting as bend forward with place left hand on the stomach on the standing position. You need not practice this every day, twice a week is sufficient or as per the requirement you have. Vamna cannot altogether do any harm if slowly do even you can do after meal provided that you have acidity. 

Benefits: highly effective in prevention of the ordinary fevers,  gastritis, dyspepsia, diseases of stomach and spleen, disorder of phlegm and bile, bad smell, cough, acidity, constipation, headache, drowsiness’ and loss of appetite.

Vamna is very useful as it purify internal organs to work properly as more oxygen is being already come with this practice; moreover it enhances the hormones to work properly to reduce ailments of the body. It can easily whip you up more energy that you create your happiness and let you open up to your senses.


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