Covid-19 pandemic | Immunity is the biggest ally in the fight against coronavirus

The unprecedented times, now we are witnessing and becoming a part of the historic war waged against an unknown disease COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, growing concern about the unprecedented extend of coronavirus outbreak in the world. The most of us in self-isolation or quarantine, the hard time we have ever seen before constrains all of us to stay home and the pressures put on our mental and physical health also, what will next. While staying at home or social distancing and applying proper cleansing method, we can fight against coronavirus. We must develop our immune system firstly, and keep well in the fight against coronavirus. The immune system keeps the gut in the healthy state always, and the digestive enzymes do their ascribed work efficiently. The idea of having stronger immunity is always welcome. Immunity is the biggest ally in the fight against coronavirus pandemic. Studies show that weakened immunity is more susceptible to the worst outco...