Strike A Balance Between Body Elements with 'Kati Chakra Asana'

In the Previous article we have learned about the importance of air circulation in human body; its working and benefits. If you have been with us since we’ve started communication with you all through this blog, you must have came across the “Youvan Tatva ke Sadhan” Series. Just as Youvan Tatva ke Sadhan series stresses upon the importance of proper blood circulation in body in order to keep it young and kicking; The series on Vayu asanas series stresses upon the importance of proper air circulation in body. This article is the last one in the series of “Youvan Tatva ke Sadhan” asanas and has been intentionally placed/published in an odd order for a reason. Ancient Indians believed that our body is comprised of 5 basic elements i.e. Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Space. These five elements work in conjunction of each other in a synchronous way. According to them whenever these elements are out of balance, the body has problems. The first element i.e Water is everywhere in our...