Importance of colours in our life

Festivals are a unique hallmark of human culture or an immense accumulation of past glorious histories and might obtain enthusiasm for ideal values. Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival that comes in spring, also known as the Festival of Colours, bringing attributes of the victory of good over evil. Holi celebration begins with lighting up a bonfire on the Holi evening, being celebrated all over India, wishing each other ‘Happy Holi’ and celebrating by giving thanks for a good harvest. People rub ‘gulal’ and ‘abeer’ (coloured powder) on each other . Importance of colours Sir Isaac Newton experimented with passing the sunlight through a prism and concluded that colour consists of its waves and wavelengths, vibrating at different frequencies. The spectrum comes with colours- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Raindrops act like a prism, and the sunlight passes through them to expand the colour spectrum. While Theo Gimbel has formulated a new appr...