Yoga, Meditation and Excellence

Sages in India had long ago discovered the wisdom to attain excellence in all walks of life; for this, work out for the wellness of life getting better, to acquire at every possibility to get life better for mental-physical health and even spiritual growth also. They seek excellence in whatever they have seen and found around them with consciousness. Knowing the secret is to create cosmic energy properly and be aware and ensure it does not get dissipated got it. Excellence is not the exclusive privilege of a chosen. It is a process that opens you to the truth inside, to the infinite potential you are born with and when you allow analytical minds to fall away. Harmony comes into the body and rejuvenates the spirit by coordinating all the organs to their assigned work; for through mind-body of keeping the cosmic energy flow within the body perfectly for mental and spiritual growth. The mind needed to be tame and aware of all the felicity of virtue sans contrivance. Tame the m...