To unite the fraction with the absolute/ How yoga show a way to the world/ International Yoga Day 2022

To unite the fraction with the absolute/ How yoga show a way to the world Mind is fickle and moving profligate and indeed adamant as it acknowledged; amenity in five senses beguiles and restrains one to worldly affliction, can be controlled with practice and detachment alone: and practice of yoga instructs to deliverance. When the mind pursues greed, anger, and the lust for five senses, hence leads to slavery confined to attachment and pride that degrade the self. We seek to develop consciousness of what is around us that happens within and without any reaction of the action; hence, true wisdom occurs when understanding one's nature to be confined and arises from observing reality as it is, and you can emerge from suffering. Every time you react, reinforce the mental habit of reaction and develop aversion that keeps on strengthening the tendency of the mind to continue generating the same. Microcosm and macrocosm observation to control the mind Ancien...