Reiki and Yoga | How Reiki and yoga rejuvenating mental-health and physical issue

Reiki is as old as Earth, Sun and Stars. It is as old as a Galaxy and from unicellular and insects. Plants to human and animals are all associated to cosmic energy. Each object of nature is bring together with cosmic energy, and bathed in it, and we cannot survive sans of it. It is not a new concept, but the name has changed. When you feel or observe during meditation sensations around your body, transport into the realm of ecstasy that only means that you are connecting well with nature within that having soothing and ennobling effects upon the mind; and nobody can take the smite away from you. Dr Mikao Usui was a Japanese Buddhist monk born in Kyoto, Japan. He rediscovered the long-forgotten art of instant healing, practised by both Jesus Christ and Gautam Buddha. After intensive interrogation with Christian leaders and Buddhist monk both in Japan, Europe, the USA and Tibet, Dr Usui met the Zen abbot of Kyoto, who guided him with a technique with some sym...