How living with a healthy lifestyle helps us to stay healthy | Meditation | Shat-Karmas

Living with a healthy lifestyle helps us stave off diseases; such is yoga for at least 30 minutes- meditation 10 minutes a day and a balanced diet can provide all day long energy. Eating right could keep health issues at bay; there is enough evidence to establish a link between obesity and health issues such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension and many more, so it is imperative one switches to a plant-based diet. e.g. Consume fresh food, vegetables and dry fruits. A fibre-rich diet can help fight against diseases, and it helps in moving the food quickly through the bowel and help mouth, throat and digestive system in a balanced state, further keep obesity at bay. Yoga can have you find emotional and physical harmony, enabling you to relax and strengthen your body; so there are many joys of being a yoga disciple. Research shows that exercise and a healthy diet that includes are high in fibre, saturated fats can help in preventing diabetes. Consume dry fruits, nut...