Asanas, pranayamas and mudra to strenghten your back | pranas and Nadis

The spine is one of the body's areas that doesn't receive the sufficient care and attention that it deserves. Modern lifestyles have created more problems than have ever been seen, such as, wrong prolonged sitting posture, sleeping late hours and sans exercise, all these factors are responsible for the weakening of both back muscles and abdominal. In the process of demanding more and more comforts, we are at risk of continuously losing the very essence of health. There are many asanas in yoga that strengthen your spinal cord; such like as, dhanur asana is known as the bow posture, shalabha asana known as locust posture, bhujang asana known as cobra posture, chakra asana, and ushtra asana and these of five asanas are backward bending, while forward banding asanas comprises with janushir asana, paschimottan asana, and Maha mudra. Pad hast asana is standing forward bending asana. All of these asanas are helpful to strengthen your backbone and abdominal organs and helps the pr...