Janushir Asana | How forward bending asanas are benificial for entire body | prana-energy

The forward bending asanas are beneficial for the spinal column, abdominal and arms- legs; by squeezing the abdominal organs nourishes them with a fresh supply of blood which further enhances and balances the five pranas Vayu with sub-Prana Vayu. Forward bending asanas keep the entire digestive system healthy and balance hormones which enhance the brain efficiency to work properly. The forward-bending and backward-bending asanas are correlated as you advance in forward will also benefit in backward stances. The forward bends asanas enable the spine to bend further back in the opposite direction and as you progress with the forward bending asanas, your backward bends will improve. The forward bending asanas are as janushir asana, paschimottan asana , and mahamudra ; besides these asanas, some others that can also be bent, such as pada asana when bending forward and touching the forehead on the ground, in the same way, while sitting in Vajra asana and keeping the head down on the...