How colours affect seven chakras | benifits | third eye | step by step meditation tips

Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival which comes in spring, also known as the Festival of Colours which attributes the victory of good over evil, being celebrated all over India, despite the difference in culture and language, everyone plays and laughs with enthusiastically all day long, they forget and forgive allowing them to keep good relationships. People hug and wish each other and celebrate by giving thanks for a good harvest. People rub ‘gulal’ and ‘abeer’ (coloured powder) on each other. Festivals are a unique hallmark of human culture or immense accumulation of past glorious civilization from which one may obtain enthusiasm for ideal values. Focus your full perception on it. The festivals affect mood and emotion as well as alertness and receptivity which further enhance one’s capability to perceive things better. Colours play a very significant role in our life, the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eyes as a result ...