
Showing posts from October, 2018

How Dhanur Asana solves diabetes, respiration problems-and keeps apart hypertention

Dhanur asana is also known as the bow posture. The Sanskrit word ‘dhanur’ means bow and arrow, like an archer stringing a bow the body mimics the shape of a bow with its stretched back ready to shoot an arrow. Dhanur asana helps the abdominal muscles and spine receive sufficient amount of blood supply by stretching and putting pressure on the navel areas.   It also helps to improve one’s digestive system as well as help strengthen the back. Dhanur asana tones back muscles and maintains the elasticity of spine. Stretching the abdominal viscera enables all organs e.g. liver, spleen, intestines and pancreas to remain in good health.   The asana aids good blood circulation within and around the body which further enhances stamina and strength of the body while helping to keep obesity under control. Problems of hypertension, diabetes, reproductive, heart and respiration also resolve themselves.   Note: Warm-up is an essential before undertaking this asana to prevent injury.

How to do Sitkari Kumbhaka and what benifits one have got-enhances gastrin and enzyme for longevity

‘Be deaf to negative thoughts if your aims is to reach your goal’. Sitkari pranayama is one of the four Sahita kumbhaka and the last article of the four Sahita kumbhaka series.   Sitkari pranayama can to be done with the tongue remaining behind the teeth and puraka (breathe in) is done by drawing air in through mouth into the stomach through gaps between the teeth making a hissing sound. You can gradually increase the kumbhaka when you have achieved mastery over it. Finally, do Rechaka (breathe out) from both nostrils slowly.   Sitkari pranayama and sheetali pranayamas are quite similar as they possess the same benefits. Sheetali pranayama is by done by drawing out the tongue from the mouth and make it round just like beak of a crow and take in air through tongue to stomach slowly and to be mindfulness while exhaling through tongue to stomach and feel the air consciously over the organs of the body the air passes over during the breath in and out. Sahita kumbhaka aims

How to do Bhastrika kumbhaka | benifits

  Each individual dreams to live a long and healthy life; and has sought ways to achieve better heath and increase longevity. It is a universally acknowledged truth that it cannot be attained through any short cuts. True comfort and happiness can be achieved when one’s health is in good state. The body, mind and wisdom entirely depends only on sound health. Today’s sedentary life-style junk-food and stress have declined the state of human health. Man only can reason, reflect and learn; and can compare and contrast easily. Man can change his habit through learning new method and to be solved problems.   Learning is the art and science of the life, action is the key to put this mechanism to work. Inherent within the concept of action is the idea of work and the right approach about will bring inspiration. Learning yoga is a given way for those one who embrace it. Yoga brings one closer to good health and spiritual advancement. There is a need to go back to basics and the be

How to do Ujjayi kumbhaka Pranayama; and to breath out asthma, phlegm, enlargement of spleen, and cough

‘Great things never come from comfort zones’ The first thing is to trust yourself and make sure well that you are up to the task that have been assigned to you. No doubt a situation can be testing and very stressful. You can turn every situation into your favour, just need to be mindful. Mindfulness is the trait of staying aware of all things and responsibilities. If mindfulness is focused attention and paying close attention to every domain of life to be proved valuable, whether it is mentally or emotionally; while, rather than random, scattered and partially faded attention. A healthy body manifests mindfulness. When you are more focused and composed, mind related problems comes to an end, such as anxiety, depression, instability, inconsistency and fatigue. The mind and body correlate and influence each other. Exercising reduces and prevents the decay of tissues; and meditation synchronizes the entire body by increasing the prana energy flow and fills the body with abundan