Most Common Monsoon Diseases | skin issues | Prevention| How Yoga can help you

Protect yourself from Common monsoon diseases Monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat in June; the flora sprout out quickly brings greenery everywhere. Monsoon is also an impeccable environmental for the growth of various viruses and bacteria (the micro-organism to reproduce and multiply in the hot and wet weather) giving rise to air-water borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, typhoid, hepatitis-A and chikungunya. All of these diseases are known as monsoon diseases. These monsoon diseases come as immunity is reduced during this time by fever taking hold of one’s body, which is a common occurrence during monsoon. Cold and flu are the most common form of viral infection. Humidity and moisture during monsoon can lead to many health issues Monsoon may be welcome after the extreme heat but, the one fact is that it leads to many skin problems like rashes, ringworm, pimples, and eczema and are more susceptible to infectio...